Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Break your Spending Habits?

Examine your spending habits and get rid of the bad ones to avoid getting into any problem. You need to work out with time in hand before your bad spending habits create a mountain of debt. To get out of debt and get your finances in control, you have to deal with your bad habits. Following are few ways to break your bad spending habits-
1. To get your spending habits under control, it is best to put your credit cards away. Credit cards have the convenience to overspend, so stick to cash or debit cards to make purchases. By doing this, you will start creating positive spending habits and spend within your means. Use your credit cards only in case of emergencies.
2. Set a reasonable financial goal and pick things that you really want- an emergency fund, a vacation and to get out of debt. Before you feel tempted to blow money on a non-essential remind yourself of your financial goals. This will accumulate your money and you will be on your way to achieve your goal.
3. Try to go shopping with the list of items you tend to buy. We enter a store to buy few items and emerged with bags and bags full of stuffs. A list will keep you away from all those things that you really don’t need.
4. Don’t shop for fun. Ask yourself each time you find yourself contemplating a purchase. If it’s your need and fits your budget then buy it, but if it’s only your want then think twice of the impact of your purchase.
5. Look over your budget and make an estimate how much money you can afford to spend each week. Withdraw a week’s worth of money from your account at the beginning itself. This will limit your spending habits and you can spend guilt free.
6. Try to make payments and clear all your bills before the weekend eats up money for entertainment.
7. Clarify in your mind the need of changing your spending habits. Know the benefits of changing your habits. No one else but it’s you who can change your bad spending habits. Your persistence and patience will surely change your habits.

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